Old Gum

What has your life come to?


Note: This website is a joke, which was made by 2 bored kids. Please don't put any information important to you such as your real name or credit card info on this site. Thanks!

Welcome to the Buy portion of the Old Gum website! Here you can order online (not really) and buy your favorite flavors of Old Gum. Make sure to get them quick, while supplies last. Just remember, with every purchase of Old Gum, you have a chance to win the Annual Old Gum Giveaways! This means you can get to try our new flavors (after the poll results) and get a few packs of it too! We will email you if you win. Winners will be decided by how well they did buying the product, by following ALL the rules as well as giving us a good response on how we can improve our website. Lastly, we do have our own Annual Old Gum Sale, in which takes 50% off all purchases! Keep Chewing Everyone!

A Few Things Before You Buy Old Gum:

You can buy Old Gum here: